"Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.” Veronica A. Shoffstall

středa 28. dubna 2010

#234 Take pride in your work.

"People will repeatedly tell you that to be truly happy, you must find a job that you love. I sincerely hope that you do. But in case you have to take a less-than-ideal position to pay the bills, there are some things you should know. Avoid any job that you find morally objectionable—you can’t reconcile your values with tasks you find repugnant. But you can earn rewards from a job that you find only mildly tolerable. When you are presented with a challenge and use your skills to meet it, you will feel accomplished, regardless of the task. That feeling is universally valid and undeniably admirable; embracing it will make work a more rewarding experience in the day to day, even if it doesn’t feed your soul."

Poslední dobou mám štěstí na moc zajímavé blogy či weby. Navštěvuji je sporadicky, když oko mé náhodně na ně padne v záložkách, a vždycky najdu něco, co mě inspiruje. Jako tenhle blog - "A collection of lessons of questionable importance to share with my daughter before we grow up."

1 komentář:

Jaime řekl(a)...

thank you for your kind words about my list